
  • TWAS Young Affiliateship of IsDB-TWAS Scientists program for 5 years (2021-2025).

  • NAWA Scholarship grant, Heavy ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2020.

  • IIE-SRF Fellowship award (The Institute of International Education-Scholar Rescue Fund) in partnership with Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2018.

  • The young scientists grant to participate in the 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC13), Firenze (Italy) on 2-7 June 2013.

  • Best master thesis award in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2010

  • Faculty of science award for the best bachelor student in the faculty, Cairo University, 2004

  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Mokhtar medal for the best bachelor student in the physics department, Cairo University, Egypt, 2004.

  • Schlumberger Limited Company award for the best students in Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 2003

  • Financial support from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (in Yemen) to study Bachelor, Master and PhD at Cairo University, Egypt, in the period 2000-2014

  • Many certificates of thanks and appreciation from universities and civil society institutions